
I am an Artist, My obsession Lies in being a creative Spirit
with words I paint pictures of my imaginations so vivid
The mystery of ideas exhumed from great depths of my mind
is marveling like the building blocks of an Egyptian Pyramid

I was Born guilty, everyday I strive to prove am Innocent
far from being a devil but I’m no saint
read my life through words the images I paint
judge me not by what you see coz looks are deceptive

I’m a Soul Rebel that chose freedom through my mind
I Revolutionary changed status from being a captive
I just wanna be me that free soul that refuses to conform
to what the system has programmed for me
I’m a deviant following a road less traveled
fighting for the betterment of all
humanity is my fate & destiny

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Improving every day, freeing more souls as you go, the heroes of our time need no swords for their words are sharper and pierce deeper

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