Tag Archives: #Love #Dating #Relationships



When I first met you, I knew this dreadful day will surely come

A day I would be left nursing a twinge in my heart you would cause

Love they say is blind; to make it worse for you I was foolish & dumb

The pain I feel is excruciating oh how I wish my heart is numb

It’s a thin line between love & hate can’t tell if I’ve crossed the Rubicon

What you left behind is a trail of sorrows with flowers made of thorns


Mulishly I refused to read the writings on the wall from the start

Pretending I was blind, lying to myself that I could win your heart

I took a risk to love you, after convincingly telling myself I won’t regret

Now that I am lonely feeling deserted, it makes me curse the day we met

Could it be you cast a spell on me? Coz I don’t wanna hold myself to blame

Knowing that I brought it upon myself makes me feel a bruising shame


I just wanna have a consoling feeling I was vulnerable to your snare

Why me? You knew exactly you were going to hurt me & that ain’t fair

I flip memories back wishing I had the courage to have resisted your charm

Am such a big shame to myself how could I have allowed you do me harm

But despite the pain and hurt you have inflicted I still miss every bit of you

Loving you was meant to hurt me; it’s a fact I must embrace the ugly truth.


© TeeCube ThaHoodScholar.






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Sweet Damsel, 

I know that you are troubled and happiness is lacking in your heart

Everyone deserves someone to love and care for; that I know for a fact

Brooding over your heart feeling empty longing for love, I do understand

It’s hard to believe a beautiful lady like you is still single without a man

I know that it’s not your fault so don’t get desperate babe, just hold on

You deserve the best man you dream about who will never do you wrong

Am getting old, no man is coming my way” quit singing that miserable song

Fine wine gets better with time, build on yourself be beautiful & stay strong

Don’t underestimate your worth, know your value; keep your virtues all along

Your destiny is worth more than just getting married as you eagerly crave for

True happiness is not guaranteed by having a life partner that I know for sure

There are folks who run into marriage for the sake of just getting it done!

I know you got ambitions, a house wife alone, I know you don’t wanna become

Why would you wanna settle for less in a hurry? Please don’t be dumb.


Don’t get me wrong am not saying you should turn down every man squarely

But just make sure your heart is sincerely into it before you decide to marry

Coz these days so many marriages don’t last like a “quickie” one minute man

You don’t wanna get a divorce when things don’t work out, that’s not your plan

You need a man whom you will love and cherish until death do you part

Money or social status shouldn’t entice you if he doesn’t love you from his heart 

Don’t feel your beauty is fading away fast coz you grow old each passing year

Your weariness thinking is rubbing off your shine; you don’t have to shed a tear

Don’t let any undeserving man take advantage of you in your desperation

Being single is not a crime, “when are you getting married? Ignore the question

Don’t allow what people say about your private life cause you sleeplessness

You alone princess, is responsible & given the power to create your happiness

Carry on with your life; love yourself more appreciate your unique beauty inside 

You are beautiful” compliment yourself always don’t let anybody hurt your pride


God has a beautiful plan for you my charming lady; have faith don’t ever lose it

That dream man you wish for will come your way soon just enliven your spirit.


Yours Truly

Tersoo TeeCube

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